Thinking of building a new home or renovating? How will you determine a builder’s track record, availability and prices?

Try our online Expression of Interest making it easy to get quotes from VRBA’s professional contractors.

Visit and fill out the form which is forwarded to members. There is no cost or obligation.

Our Expression of Interest puts your project in front of Canada’s leaders in sustainable West Coast design and construction.

VRBA members have a network of skilled designers, trades and suppliers to manage your project professionally and efficiently.

They can help you identify your vision in the most cost-effective way.

Some consumers make the mistake of hiring a contractor on the advice of a friend.

Many believe they are getting a “deal”, but that alleged “deal” can fade quickly and turn into major challenges.

Your builder should have a professional contract, strong track record, as well as warranty and liability coverage.

VRBA members have the experience and knowledge to build or renovate a home that you can proudly call your own.

This column appears Wednesdays in the Times Colonist.

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