New housing is almost keeping pace with last year. According to CMHC, there were 1,480 new homes from January to May vs 1,525 units in 2021.

We are experiencing a 3% decline so far, but last year was also a record.

May 2022 has posted 330 starts vs 193 in May 2021, a 71% increase.

However, new multi-family housing for young families continues to be missing in many municipalities.

The CMHC data show semi-detached and row housing (duplexes, townhomes)  also called “missing middle” totals zero in many municipalities.

Year-to-date there are zero new units Central Saanich, View Royal, Saanich, Oak Bay, North Saanich, Metchosin, and Highlands.

New “missing middle housing” can be found in Langford – 100 units; Sooke – 37; Victoria – 26; Colwood – 22; Esquimalt -12; Sidney – 10.

That’s only 207 new homes for families out of 1,480 units.

Rezoning for “missing middle” housing is being considered by Victoria Council, after being postponed for a review.

More municipalities need to step up and encourage this housing through efficient rezoning and permit approvals to assist supply and affordability.