Building & Industry News

CRD DCCs Put Housing Infrastructure Funds at Risk

The CRD is considering adding Development Cost Charges (DCC) up to $9,000 per new home for a proposed water supply project.   If the CRD launches the DCCs, it may disqualify CRD municipalities from applying for the federal government's recently launched Canada Housing...

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Housing Starts Decline 16% in Greater Victoria

Greater Victoria’s year-to-date housing starts are down 16% according to CMHC. From January to October, housing starts were 3,359 vs 3,885 during the same period in 2023. The decline in British Columbia is 11% at 33,463 new homes this year vs 37,662 last year. This is...

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Time to Remove GST and PTT From Housing

Last week, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre promised to eliminate the GST on new homes sold for under $1 million if his party wins the next federal election. The savings on a $950,000 home would be $47,500 GST – a tax that’s supposed to be a consumption tax, not a...

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Time to Remove GST From Housing

It has taken awhile, but finally a Canadian politician has suggested a partial step to end housing as an endless, federal government cash machine. Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has promised to eliminate the GST on new homes sold for under $1 million if his...

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Greater Victoria Housing Starts Decline 3%

Greater Victoria’s year-to-date housing starts are down 3% according to CMHC. From January to September, housing starts were 3,066 vs 3,153 during the same period last year. The decline in British Columbia is 8% at 29,585 new homes this year vs 32,054 last year. This...

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