by VRBA | Jun 27, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
There are as many as three taxes on allegedly vacant homes in BC. They are Vancouver’s Empty Homes Tax, the province’s Speculation Tax, and federal government’s Underused Housing Tax. This is in addition to billions in government revenue created by the Property... read more
by VRBA | Jun 21, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
CMHC reports housing starts declined 11% year-to-date (January to May 2023) in Greater Victoria vs the same time last year. Areas of concern include Sidney where there have been zero new homes started this year, Sooke declined 55%, and Saanich is down 75%. There is a... read more
by VRBA | Jun 15, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
CMHC reports housing starts in Greater Victoria are down 11% year-to-date January to May 2023 at 1,312 units vs 1,480 units in 2022. However, April 2023 starts were only 91, while May 2023 posted 133, a 46% increase. Month to month numbers can be skewed by one or two... read more
by VRBA | Jun 13, 2023 | Blog, Building Code, Education & Training, Housing data, news
This week we are giving a presentation on three housing recommendations for the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. Recommendation 1: End municipalities fast-tracking the building code The BC Building and Safety Standards Branch is only now... read more
by VRBA | Jun 7, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
BC’s Ministry of Housing recently identified ten municipalities where housing targets will be set. The goal is so “housing can get built faster, including updating zoning bylaws and streamlining local development approval processes.” Municipalities in the CRD are... read more
by VRBA | May 17, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
There are interesting new housing policies emerging in Vancouver since last year’s municipal election. Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim promised to improve housing and appears to be proceeding on that path. This is a promise made by many council candidates at election time,... read more