Category: Housing data

The Price of the Speculation Tax

The BC government has again expanded the Speculation Tax, including communities in the Okanagan and Vancouver Island. British Columbians’ family cottages and retirement homes are unfairly taxed as “vacant.” As many as three taxes are charged on allegedly “vacant”...

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DCC Best Practices Needed at CRD

BC’s Best Practice Guides intended to promote housing affordability still often result in poor practice. An example is the guide for Development Cost Charges, which says DCC’s must be applied with “Fairness and Equity, Accountability, and Certainty.”  “Certainty...

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BC Govt Legislates More Housing Density

Today the BC govt announced legislation to increase density and improve permit approvals. More small-scale, multi-unit homes coming to B.C., zoning barriers removed | BC Gov News “The proposed legislation and forthcoming regulations will permit one secondary suite or...

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