by VRBA | Dec 5, 2023 | news
Are you ready for 2024? Hear from industry experts at VRBA’s Annual Crystal Ball Housing Forecast on Wednesday, January 17 from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Royal Colwood Golf Club, 629 Goldstream Ave. Speakers include: Laurie Lidstone, Chair, Victoria Real Estate Board... read more
by VRBA | Nov 28, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
The BC government has again expanded the Speculation Tax, including communities in the Okanagan and Vancouver Island. British Columbians’ family cottages and retirement homes are unfairly taxed as “vacant.” As many as three taxes are charged on allegedly “vacant”... read more
by VRBA | Nov 24, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
Are you ready for 2024? Hear from industry experts at VRBA’s Annual Crystal Ball Housing Forecast on Wednesday, January 17 from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Royal Colwood Golf Club, 629 Goldstream Ave. Speakers include: Laurie Lidstone, Chair-Elect, Victoria Real Estate... read more
by VRBA | Nov 22, 2023 | Blog, news
In good and tough economic times, there are always those in need. Many charitable organizations will be seeking donations to assist the disadvantaged in our community. One such fundraiser is the Festival of Trees, for the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, helping... read more
by VRBA | Nov 17, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
CMHC reports housing starts in Greater Victoria declined 1% January to October from 3,918 in 2022 to 3,885 units in 2023. Year-to-date, large multi-family condos/apts are up 11% this year at 3,232 units, however, single detached homes are down 45% (330 units) and... read more
by VRBA | Nov 14, 2023 | Blog, Housing data, news
The BC govt recently announced legislation to increase housing density. In municipalities of more than 5,000 people, this will allow: three to four units on single-family or duplex lots, depending on lot size; six units on single-family or duplex lots close to... read more