Category: news

Missing Middle Housing Still Missing

In the first six months of 2023, new housing has more than kept pace with 2022. According to CMHC, there were 1,814 new homes January to June 2023 compared to 1,713 units in 2022. The largest segment is represented by apartments and condos (1,500 units) – a 33%...

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CRD Housing Up 6% While Sidney Achieves Record Lows

CMHC reports housing starts in Greater Victoria are up 6% from January to June 2023 at 1,814 units vs 1,713 in 2022. Year-to-date, large multi-family condos/apts are up 33% this year at 1,500 units, however, single detached homes are down 41% (201 units) and missing...

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Odd, Harsh Rules Govern Housing Taxes

There are as many as three taxes on allegedly vacant homes in BC. They are Vancouver’s Empty Homes Tax, the province’s Speculation Tax, and federal government’s Underused Housing Tax. This is in addition to billions in government revenue created by the Property...

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