The CRD is considering adding Development Cost Charges (DCC) up to $9,000 per new home for a proposed water supply project.  

If the CRD launches the DCCs, it may disqualify CRD municipalities from applying for the federal government’s recently launched Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund. In the Lower Mainland, both Surrey and Vancouver Metro Region must freeze DCCs.

Annex B: List of municipalities subject to Development Charge freezes

“Listed below are regions and municipalities with a population of 300,000 or more as of 2021 census data, that are required to implement a development charge freeze. Municipalities with a population of less than 300,000 located within regions with a population of 300,000 or greater are required to abide by the freeze at the regional level but are not required to freeze their local development charges. If a region that is required to implement the development charge freeze does not implement a freeze, then the municipalities within that region will be ineligible to apply for funding under the direct delivery stream.”

British Columbia
Region(s) Municipality(s)
  • Metro Vancouver Region
  • Capital Regional District
  • Fraser Valley Regional District
  • Vancouver *
  • Surrey*

“*Note: Municipalities identified by an asterisk are municipalities with a population of 300,000 or greater that are also located in regions with a population of 300,000 or greater. For a municipality to be eligible to submit project applications, both the municipality and the region in which it is located are required to freeze their development charges. For example, for Surrey to be eligible to submit a project application, both Surrey and Metro Vancouver Region are required to freeze their development charges.”