Now is the time to join the Victoria Residential Builders Association during our annual membership renewal on July 1.

Our association’s daily mission is to be effective, efficient and affordable for our members.

We are the builders’ leading voice for housing affordability, consumer protection, education and professionalism.

VRBA provides:

  • New home and renovation projects sent directly to our builders;
  • Free education seminars offering CPD credits required for licensing;
  • Free contracts for VRBA builders;
  • Unmatched advocacy and support;
  • Housing’s most successful awards program – the Annual CARE Awards celebrating Canada’s leaders in sustainable West Coast design and construction. Visit

We represent the concerns of homebuyers and builders trying to achieve affordability in a market challenged by high government fees and bureaucracy.

Through media coverage and our TC columns, VRBA has drawn the BC government’s attention to the need for rezonings and efficient permits, resulting in legislative changes to boost housing supply.

In addition, VRBA gives back through fundraisers including the BC Children’s Hospital, Habitat for Humanity, Goldstream Chums, Threshold Housing Society, CFAX Santa’s Anonymous and T-C Christmas Fund.

Our membership fees are among the most competitive in the industry and our value is unmatched.

If you have been considering membership in an association, contact us at

We would be pleased to discuss the advantages.

This column appears Wednesdays in the Times Colonist.

Visit us at and Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.