VRBA Members

Education & Training
VRBA is recognized as an education provider by the BC Housing’s Licensing and Consumer Services Branch. We deliver programs approved for Continuing Professional Development points for BC’s licensed builders. For a complete list of education opportunities, please see the current edition of our Newsletter
New CPD Requirements
BC Housing’s Continuing Professional Development requirement for licencing began October 1, 2015.
Builder companies may not achieve their credits by sending different employees to courses to accumulate the total credits required for the year.
The required annual credits total is 20. For more information, visit https://www.bchousing.org/licensing-consumer-services/builder-licensing/CPD
VRBA holds monthly lunch meetings from 12 noon to 1 pm at our office offering free CPD approved presentations with free pizza and pop for members. We support education and professionalism!
In addition, we have arranged with the Vancouver Island Construction Association to provide discount pricing for their courses. Visit
Latest News
VRBA Annual Golf Tournament – May 28
Connect with VRBA members and promote your product or service at VRBA’s Annual Fun Golf Tournament at Olympic View on Wed, May 28th! You do not have to be a VRBA member to register as a golfer or to be a sponsor. ONLY $235/golfer: see the attached for...
Hire a VRBA Contractor for Your Home Project
Last year, many municipalities were required to update their bylaws to accommodate the provincial legislation enabling moderate housing density (townhomes, duplexes, fourplexes, etc) in single family zones. If you are considering any new home project including a...
January Housing Starts Lowest in 5 Years in CRD
Despite provincially-mandated housing targets and rezonings, CMHC reports Greater Victoria’s 105 housing starts in January 2025 are 42% lower than the 182 starts in January 2024. In fact, this year is the lowest in 5 years: January 2025 - 105; 182 in 2024; 463 in...